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Imperfect Subjunctive

The subjunctive isn't really considered to be a tense but rather a mood. It reflects how the speaker feels about an action.

The imperfect subjunctive mood is used to express doubt, uncertainty, subjectivity, desire that happened in the past.

Uses of the Imperfect Subjunctive

To indicate an action in the past in same situations where the subjunctive would be used in the present.

  • Era interesante que Sara me leyera las noticias. 

  • It was interesting that Sara would read the news to me.

After the expression ojalá, or ojalá que.

  • Ojalá que nevara mañana.

  • I hope that it would snow tomorrow

In 'si' clauses to indicate contrary-to-fact or unlikely events​​​.

  • Iría a los estados unidos si tuviera suficiente dinero.

  • I would go the United States if I had enough money.

When the verb in the main clause is in one of the past tenses or in the conditional, the imperfect subjunctive is used in the dependent clause​.

  • Querría que mi amiga me llamara durante su viaje.

  • I would like my friend to call me during her trip.

When the verb in the main clause is in the present but it refers to a previous occurrence​.

  • Dudo que vinieran juntos.

  • I doubt they arrived together.

To indicate politeness.

  • Quisiera asistir a la reunión.

  • I would like to attend the meeting.

Two Forms of the Imperfect Subjunctive

  • -A form

  • -SE form

-A Form:

  1. Take the third person plural of the preterite form of any -ar, -er and -ir verbs.

  2. Drop the -on ending to find the stem.

  3. Add the following endings to that stem:

Cantar - cantara, cantaras, cantara, cantáramos, cantarais, cantaran

-SE Form:

  1. Take the third person plural of the preterite form of any -ar, -er and -ir verbs.

  2. Drop the -ron ending to find the stem.

  3. Add the following endings to that stem:

Cantar - cantase, cantases, cantase, cantásemos, cantaseis, cantasen

Stem-Changing Verbs

Only -IR verbs change stem in the preterite in both the third person singular and plural. This therefore affects the spelling of these verbs in the imperfect subjunctive.

e-ie verbs:

  • E changes to I in the third person plural of the preterite.

  • If there are two e's in the stem, it is the second e that changes.

Preferir - to prefer

3rd person plural - prefirieron

Stem - prefirier-

prefiriera, prefirieras, prefiriera, prefiriéramos, prefirierais, prefirieran

e-i verbs:

  • E changes to I.

  • If there are two es in the stem, it is the second e that changes.

Repetir - to repeat

3rd person plural - repitieron

Stem - repitier-

repitiera, repitieras, repitiera, repitiéramos, repitierais, repitieran

o-u verbs:

  • O changes to U.

Dormir - to sleep

3rd person plural - durmieron

Stem - durmier-

durmiera, durmieras, durmiera, durmiéramos, durmierais, durmieran

-A Form Ending
ellos, ellas, ustedes
él, ella, usted
-SE Form Ending
ellos, ellas, ustedes
él, ella, usted
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