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Resumen de la trama de Volver

  • The film starts with Raimunda, her sister Sole, and her daughter Paula cleaning the graves of their dead parents who died in a fire. 


  • They visit Tía Paula, in the town of Alcanfor de las Infantas, who believes that the mother is looking after her. They all think that she's crazy and it's just her dementia. 


  • They visit Agustina, a neighbour who looks after Tía Paula. Agustina's mother disappeared when Raimunda's parents died and she finds this suspicious. 


  • Paula kills Paco because he tries to assault her. Raimunda hides the body in the freezer of an empty restaurant that Emilio, a neighbour, asked her to look after.


  • Tia Paula dies. Raimunda can't attend the funeral because she must hide Paco's body. The neighbours say that they have seen the ghost of Irene. 


  • Sole finds Irene in the boot of her car. At first she thinks that she is a ghost. Irene stays with Sole and helps her run her illegal hairdressing business.


  • Paula discovers that her grandmother is alive. However she can't tell her mother because during Raimunda and Irene had a bad relationship when Raimunda was younger.


  • Agustina has cancer. She asks Raimunda to ask Irene if her mother is alive. Raimunda thinks she is crazy as she doesn't know that Irene has returned.


  • Raimunda buries Paco's corpse by the river with Regina, a friend and neighbour.


  • Raimunda is told by Sole about Irene's return but doesn't want to talk to her. 


  • Irene reveals the truth. Raimunda's father molested her and Paula is her sister as well as her daughter. Irene found him in bed with Agustina's mother so set the house on fire and killed them both.


  • Irene asks Raimunda for forgiveness. She looks after Agustina in her final days.

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